INSTRUCTIONS TO BEGIN MACINTOSH Users: „ Insert the EAACTION CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The window showing the contents of the disk will open. „ Double click on the EAACTION icon to start the presentation. „ QuickTimeȘ INSTALLATION NOTE: This CD uses QuickTime 3.0. To upgrade from an earlier version, simply follow the prompts when the presentation starts. After installation, your computer will restart. „ Double click on the EAACTION icon and when the presentation launches, click on Start.. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR PLAYBACK „ Power Mac with 16 MB of RAM „ Apple system 7.0 or later „ 2X or faster CD-ROM drive „ 13" or larger monitor „ 8 bit video card „ QuickTime 3.0 „ File sharing & virtual memory off Note: If you are running this presentation on a newer Blue & White G3, please turn off the ATI Resource Manager extension and restart your machine before running the presentation. WINDOWS Users: „ Insert the EAACTION CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. „ Double click on your CD directory, then double click on EAACTION.exe. „ If you do not have Quicktime 3.0 installed, a screen will launch when the presentation starts that will give you the option to install Quicktime 3.0. If you have an older version of Quicktime installed, you should install Quicktime 3.0 at that time. After the installation of Quicktime 3.0 is finished, you're system will restart. „ Double click on the EAACTION.exe. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR PLAYBACK „ Pentium compatible 133MHz with 16 MB of RAM „ Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0 „ 2X or faster CD-ROM drive „ 13" or larger monitor „ 8 bit video card and sound card „ QuickTime 3.0 NOTE: To ensure proper performance: QuickTime 3.0 must be installed, your monitor should be set to a minimum of Thousands of colors and you must have enough RAM available. If in doubt about if you have QuickTime, or the correct version of Quicktime installed, please choose to install Quicktime 3.0 at the start of the presentation. We recommend a minimum of 16 MB of RAM, however, you will need at least 5600 Kb free. If the presentation will not mount, performance is slow or audio will not play properly, it could be due to lack of RAM or Quicktime 3.0 not installed. After installing Quicktime, open the Control Panel directory, by going to Start/Settings/Control Panel. Double click on the Quicktime icon. Choose Video Settings from the pull down menu and click on Safe Mode. Choose Sound Out from the pull down menu and click on waveOut. Close the Quicktime window settings. DEVELOPED & CREATED BY A.D.2, Inc. 2118 Wilshire Blvd. #205 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Phone: 310.394.8379 Fax: 310.451.0966 Web site: E-mail: